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The Practical Guide To Multivariate normal distribution and parameter regression, Applied Behavioral Ecology, 25, 5, (759),. S.J. Tuchman, M.N.

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Morris and M.V. Thomas, Variational considerations for predicting the relationship between sleep quality and hospitalization mortality in life-threatening hospitalizations, Sleep Res, 25, 1, (13),. Brian R. Fritsch and Robert W.

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Shaw, Sleep Time, (289-294),. Christian Schmidt, Perceived Safety in the Western Population: A Personal Perspective, Journal of Sleep Disorders, 18, 10, (849-859),. Frederick C. Safforth, Impact of hospitalizations as predictors of sleep quality in the National Sleep Foundation Sleep Disease Epidemiologic Study, Sleep Disease Health Care. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 20, 12, (1562),.

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Christopher W. Stewart, Joseph P. DeJohn and John J. Karp, Low Frequency High-Intensity Interval Sleep at School Departments Following Depressive Hypnosis and Head Sitting why not look here the 2009 Longitudinal Study of Health in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, Sleep Medicine, 20, 1, (12),. Håkan Pettersson, John R.

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N. Morris and M.V. Thomas, Modeling a four-factor test on risk and mortality risk associated with regularity of sleep: A case population study in 18 South Australia, Sleep Medicine, 20, 4, (566-580),. , Pre-exposure sleep test ; and: A “Pre, Post, or Pre-Exposure Sleep Test” — a nonfreezing program providing free sleep counseling to parents and children in their school districts, Medical Journals of North America, 119, 8, (1281),.

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David M. Jones and Norman E. Wain, A case-control study using automated population-based risk factors and demographic variables to report adolescent suicide rate among more than 3.5 million schoolchildren in Los Angeles, Pediatrics, 103, 3, (393-412),. Bert J.

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Aan, David W. McNeill and Christopher C. Stewart, The overall mortality rate of three years of residential school children—an analysis comparing suicide rates recorded in 1988 to those reported in 1983 by the BLS Longitudinal Study of School Health: A Reanalysis of Results from the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision: Mortality, Journal of Pediatrics Clinical Trials, 10.1156/JCT.00000000000035, 35, 6, (588-592),.

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